Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Start-Up of You

Last year, two people who I truly respect, Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha, published a book called The Start-Up of You. It is a terrific book laying out a new philosophical approach toward careers ... an approach that is entrepreneurial and wired for our global 21st century. I really hope I can pass along some of these innovative ideas to my children (currently 14, 12, and 10). Until then, I will enjoy this recently released summary:

Will Smith -- Freestyle Philosophy

A few months ago, I stumbled across a YouTube video of Will Smith freestyling at a birthday party. I couldn't really make out much of what he was saying, but then he let loose with a quote that struck me between the eyes:

If you say you're gonna run three miles and run two, I don't never have to worry about losin' at nothin' to you.

I guess it's a rap version of "Quitters never win, and winners never quit." Regardless, I've been using it as inspiration just about every day when I work out. You can check it out yourself at ~2:03 of the video:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Chillin' on the Moon

I don't know where this image came from or how this guy is going to actually enjoy his Carlsberg, but all I can say is ... someday!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ed Lu & the B612 Foundation

On February 15, 2013, a small asteroid named 2012 DC14 passed extremely close to Earth, garnering global attention. Despite many "boy who cried wolf" accusations in the past, it seemed like this particular fly-by was getting too close for comfort, and people took particular notice of ongoing expert warnings of imminent natural catastrophes from a potential direct impacts.

Enter Ed Lu. He is a former NASA astronaut, who I had the pleasure of meeting during our 2012 Sea-Space Summit at Google's headquarters in Silicon Valley. He is dedicating his life to saving our planet from rogue asteroids.

Ed knows that we currently have the technology to divert any asteroid heading directly toward Earth. The challenge is giving ourselves enough of a warning. Therefore, in true entrepreneurial fashion, he helped launched the B612 Foundation. Named after the title character's asteroid home in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince, the Foundation has plans for a modern asteroid early-warning system based on a single infrared space telescope placed in orbit around the sun. Their "Sentinel Mission" would identify and map any potentially threatening asteroids.

To customize an oft-quoted phrase, "If the dinosaurs had had Ed Lu, the B612 Foundation, and the Sentinel Mission, they would probably still be around." Let's hope modern homo sapiens take advantage of our good luck.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Five-Year Photo Project

I don't know how I feel about this recent CNN story about five friends who have gotten together every five years to re-take the same group picture they took during a teenage vacation 30 years ago.

On the one hand, it is really cool that their friendship has lasted this long and that they have kept alive this tradition [and, in fact, created a web site to share it!].

On the other hand, I was a teenager just like them in 1982, and watching the progression of the photos makes me feel, well, old. Not that the guys look shabby today; they have simply aged. Like all of us. Like me. I just don't like to be reminded that I'm turning 47 this year and that next year will be time for my 30-year high school reunion. Yikes!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Gary Vaynerchuk

In April 2011, I had the privilege of spending a few days with 1,000+ fellow entrepreneurs and "world changers" on a cruise ship during a unique experience called "Summit at Sea". It was a huge life-changing experience for me, and it gave me the courage to continue following my passions as a social entrepreneur. Not only did I meet some amazing people with incredible talents, but I also listened to several motivational--and entertaining--presentations by various awesome speakers.

One of the most hilarious talks was given by Gary Vaynerchuk, whose brazen delivery of heart-felt insights brought down the house. During the presentation shown below, delivered a couple of years before I saw him in person, he talks about one of the key messages I try passing on to every entrepreneur I meet (as well as my kids): to be happy in life, you have to pursue your passions. It is a valuable lesson to learn ... and apply.

Planet Earth From Space [video]

This is one of my favorite video compilations of footage from the ISS: