Fortune Cookie Fiasco
This past weekend I was cleaning out my home office, and I came across 5 fortunes from a dinner I had with my family at a Chinese restaurant over a year ago. My three kids (now 14, 12, and 8) love going to Chinese restaurants, and one of their favorite parts of the meal is the end ... when we get our fortune cookies.
On this particular night, they quickly grabbed their cookies, broke them apart, and read their fortunes out loud. I was really proud of how insightful they were, thinking deeply about the philosophical messages inscribed on the little pieces of paper from their cookies, as well as their mother's.
Then, in a scene straight out of a comedy movie or TV show, the table looked at me, got quiet to hear me read my fortune, and then burst into uncontrollable laughter. We all still talk about that moment every time we eat Chinese food.
Here are their fortunes:
"May your faith always exceed your fears"
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
"'Should have' is a favorite phrase for those looking for excuses."
"Even the smallest candle burns brighter in the dark."
And mine:
"Never spit against the wind."