Sunday, June 8, 2008

Volcano and Lightning Storm

This is an absolutely incredible photo taken for a story in National Geographic News.

However, almost as intriguing as this photo is the online debate that raged on a discussion board that reposted it with an apparently technically incorrect title. The National Geographic title was "Chile Volcano Erupts With Ash and Lightning," and the discussion board's title was "Volcano Erupts During Lightning Storm." Apparently, the volcano eruption caused the lightning storm (a fairly common occurrence); the volcano did not erupt during the lightning storm (a fairly UNcommon occurrence).

I certainly acknowledge the need to ensure scientific integrity, especially for a discussion board whose tag line is "Truth, Justice, & Humar for All!" (emphasize added). However, why can't we just appreciate the skill of the photographer and--more important--the awesome power of Mother Nature?!?!

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