Saturday, March 24, 2012

"Dreamin' Steven"

I've had several people ask me about the title of my blog, so here's the scoop ...

My high school years marked an especially creative time in my life, when I wrote a number of stories, poems, and songs that I still carry with me. One particular short story, written during my senior year, was a reflection of my life at the time, and in retrospect has become a reflection of my entire life.

Patterned after one of my favorite books, J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, it was the story of a young boy who was prone to excessive day-dreaming. One day, he awakened from a particularly vivid day-dream where he rescued his grade-school teacher from a burning building and became a local hero. However, to his shock, he discovered that he had not been dreaming at all. In fact, his "real life" had finally mirrored his "dream life".

For me, the story represented a critical lesson that I have abided by since I wrote the story 25 years ago: we should never stop dreaming, because it is the only way that we can accomplish great things in our lives.

Yes, the title of the story was Dreamin' Steven.

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